The objective of this exhibition is to develop a public interactive 3D installationthat simulates geospatial energy resources and bioclimatic flows to bettercommunicate building and urban design opportunities and adaptation measures. Iled the design and implementation of an interactive installation at the MiltonJ. Rubenstein Museum of Science and Technology (MoST), in Syracuse, NY. Theinstallation utilizes interactive projection mapping onto a scaled model of theCity of Syracuse to dynamically display monthly solar radiation and potentialfor powering the community using renewable energy. This multi-year projectgenerated innovative methods for observing and analyzing user feedback through3D “pointcloud” data for improving performance of the interactive platform anduser experience. This research provides a framework for various scales ofarchitectural research an ongoing community feedback that will be utilized infuture work. It inspired collaborations with faculty in information science andin architecture that led to grant awards from NSF and NYSERDA.

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2017 – 2020
Prof. Amber Bartosh Prof. Bess Krietmeyer
Museum of Science & Technology, Syracuse, NY, USA